Health and Lifestyle

What is digestion?
The breaking down of large insoluble food molecules to small soluble ones.
1 of 21
What happens to food molecules that are broken down during digestion?
They are absorbed into the blood.
2 of 21
What does bacteria in the large intestine live on in your diet?
3 of 21
why does bacteria live in your large intestine?
To make important Vitamins
4 of 21
What are enzymes?
Proteins that break down food molecules
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Fill in the blanks: Enzymes speed up _________ without being used up
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What are the three types of enzymes involved in digestion?
(one of enzymes speed up the digestion of sugars, another speeds up the process of amino acids, and the last enzyme speeds up fatty acids and glycerol)
Carbohydrase, protease and lipase
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What is a balanced diet?
A balanced diet is the right proportions of the different food groups in a diet
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Name three risks of an unbalanced diet.
• poor immune
• lack of energy
• lack of vitamins
and minerals.

• heart disease
• stroke
• diabetes
• some cancers.

Vitamin A deficiency
can lead to night
Vitamin D deficiency
can lead to rickets.
9 of 21
Name a few differences between recreational drugs and medicinal drugs.
• used in medicine MEDICINAL DRUGS
• benefit your health if used correctly
• used to treat symptoms or
cure illness
• some have side effects --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 of 21
why is alcohol labelled as a depressant?
Alcohol slows down your bodies reaction speed
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What are the effects of alcohol?
Stomach ulcers
Heart disease
Reduced fertility
Brain damage
Liver damage, specifically cirrhosis.
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what are the effects of alcohol whilst being pregnant?
Premature birth
Low birth weight babies
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), which is a group of physical and mental birth defects caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
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What are the three harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke, and what are their effects on the body?
Tar clogs the lining of the lungs and alveoli and contains cancer-causing chemicals. Nicotine is an addictive stimulant. Carbon monoxide stops blood from carrying oxygen.
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Name three diseases that can be caused by smoking.
heart disease, emphysema, and respiratory infections. Additional diseases include strokes and lung cancer.
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Explain the risks associated with smoking during pregnancy.
miscarriage, low birth weight babies, and can affect the development of the fetus.
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How does tar in cigarette smoke affect the respiratory system?
respiratory problems and reduced lung function.
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What is the impact of carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke on the body's oxygen transport?
stops blood from carrying oxygen around the body
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what is addiction?
Addiction is a condition where the body becomes used to the chemical changes caused by a drug
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What happens to a person when they try to escape the loop of adiction
They experience withdrawal symptoms
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What are withdrawal symptoms?
sickness, nausea, stomach cramps, headaches, anxiety, and sweating. Withdrawal symptoms occur because the body and brain have become dependent on the drug, and the sudden cessation disrupts the body's normal functioning, leading to distress.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What happens to food molecules that are broken down during digestion?


They are absorbed into the blood.

Card 3


What does bacteria in the large intestine live on in your diet?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


why does bacteria live in your large intestine?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are enzymes?


Preview of the front of card 5
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