
  • Created by: science..
  • Created on: 24-09-20 19:24

DNA science revison sheet 

Cells used in fertilization are called gemetes. Male gametes are called sperm and are produced in the testes.The female gametesare eggs which are produced in the ovaries. Ovulation is when the eggs are realeased once a month. 

The egg is released during ovulation.

The sperm meets the egg in the oviduct. 

The fused cell now divides into 2.

The cells continue to divide to form a zygote.

The zygote travels down the oviduct to  the uteras.

The placenta and amboitic sac will form.

Possible risks to the Embryo

The placenta passes oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the embryo; and removes waste materials like carbon dioxide and urea from the embryo back to the mother.

The umbillical cord connects the baby to the baby to the placenta.

The amnuiotic fluid protects the


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