
Way of promoting equality and diversity
access to all care services provided for everyone e.g- wheelchair ramps, lifts etc. Following an equal opportunities policy. Offering choice- menu catering for all needs (vege, gluten-free)
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Ways of promoting individual rights and beliefs
Providing a prayer room, celebrating a range of different festivals and meeting cultural and religious dietary needs.
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Ways of maintaining confidentiality
Only sharing information on a 'need-to-know' basis and securely locking away personal information.
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The values of care in child care services
1. making the welfare of the child paramount 2. keeping children safe and maintaining a healthy environment.3. working in partnership with parents and guardians. 4. maintaining confidentiality
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Gender neutral toys
Promotes equality as the toys can be played with by both boys and girls.
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What are the 3 support networks?
Advocacy services, Support groups and Informal support
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Support Networks
Support networks are available to provide individuals with advice, information and support.
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What are the point of support groups?
Support groups help individuals to take back control of their lives, as they allow people with common experiences to meet and provide each other with advice and encouragement. Also gives them the chance to meet people going through similar experience
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Discriminatory practice
Involves treating someone unfairly or less favourably compared to others.
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Discrimination is the unjust and unfair treatment of individuals based on their differences.
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Types of discriminatory practice
Abuse, Direct and Indirect discrimination, Prejudice, Stereotyping, Labelling and Bullying
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What are the impacts of discriminatory practices on individuals?
Disempowerment, low-self-esteem and self-confidence, poor health and well-being, unfair treatment and bad effects on mental health.
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National Initatives
National initiatives provide health and social care practitioners guidance about their roles, rights and responsibilities.
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The Care Certificate 2014
The aim of the care certificate is so that all care workers have the same skills and knowledge to be able to provide safe and high quality care
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CQC (Care Quality Commission)
Registers and licenses care services to ensure standards of care are met. They carry out inspections and can issue fines if standards are not met.
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System of redress
A way of obtaining justice after receiving inadequate care, e.g- compensation.
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What are the different ways to challenge discriminatory practice?
Challenge at the time, Challenge afterwards through procedure or Challenge through long-term proactive campaigning (send on a course to raise awareness)
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Involves raising concerns about poor practice with management or with an outside authority (CQC)
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Examples of Best Practice
Being non-judgemental, Anti-discriminatory practice, Valuing diversity, Using effective communication and Respecting the views, choices and decisions of the individuals receiving the care.
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Examples of discriminatory practice
Inadequate care, Being patronising, Abuse and neglect, Breaching health and safety regulations.
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The Care Act
Outlines the ways in which local authorities should carry out assesemenyts to determine what support people are eligible to. It includes... Continuity of care, Carrying out Child's Needs assesmments (require care after 18)
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The Health and Social Care Act
This act enables patients to have more control over the care they receive and NHS workers the freedom to commission care... 'No decision about me without me', Increased focus on public health prevention.
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The Equality Act
This act prohibits discrimination, makes discrimination on the basis of the 9 protected characteristics illegal.
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The Mental Capacity Act
'Capacity' is the ability to make a decision. The act helps to proctect and empower those who are unable to make some of their own decisions. The act includes.... Support to make own decision, A presumption of capacity and Unwise decisions (respected
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The Children Act
Aims to protect children from harm, Paramountcy Principle, Children have the right to be consulted
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The Data Protection Act
This act states that information and data should be... Processed fairly and lawfully (permission), Used only for the purpose intended, Accurate and kept up-to-date and Secured.
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The Children and Families Act
This act is all about adoption, specialist educational needs and children in care. .... Parental leave, Allows people of work for adoption meeting and helps with custody.
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The Human Rights Act
This act states what everyone is entitled to... Right to life, Right to respect and privacy, Right to liberty and security and Right to freedom of expression.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Providing a prayer room, celebrating a range of different festivals and meeting cultural and religious dietary needs.


Ways of promoting individual rights and beliefs

Card 3


Only sharing information on a 'need-to-know' basis and securely locking away personal information.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


1. making the welfare of the child paramount 2. keeping children safe and maintaining a healthy environment.3. working in partnership with parents and guardians. 4. maintaining confidentiality


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Promotes equality as the toys can be played with by both boys and girls.


Preview of the back of card 5
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