H&SC Unit 1 Key Terms (1)

an increase in some measured quantity, such as height or weight
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complex changes including an increase in skills, abilities and capabilities
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lines on a graph used to show average measurements of height, weight and head circumference. The lines represent the values of the measurements taking into account age and sex
Centile lines (percentiles)
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a description of an average set of expectations with respect to a young child's development. For example, by the age of 12 months a child has the ability to stand alone
Development norms
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an ability achieved by most children by a certain age.
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large movements that involve using the large muscles of the body which are required for mobility, for example rolling over
Gross motor skills
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involve smaller movements that require more precise direction (dexterity) and use smaller muscles, for example picking up a pencil
Fine motor skills
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an important status change following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult
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a period of rapid growth during which young people reach sexual maturity, and become biologically able to reproduce and secondary sexual characteristics develop
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chemical substances produced in the body and transported in the blood stream that control or regulate body cells or body organs.
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the ending of female fertility, including the cessation of menstruation and reduction in production of female sex hormones
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an estimate of the number of years, on average, that a person can expect to live. Sometimes called longevity
Life expectancy
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when a person has trouble remembering, learning new skills, concentrating or making decisions that affect their everyday life
Cognitive impairment
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the ability to solve problems using imagination without having to be involved practically. This is an advanced form of thinking that does not always need a practical context in order to take place
Abstract logical thinking
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not being able to see a situation from another person's point of view. Piaget thought that a young child assumed that other people see, hear and feel exactly the same as the child does
Egocentric thinking
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the ability to solve problems providing an individual can see or physically handle the issues involved
Concrete logical thinking
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a state of cognitive balance when a child's experience is in line with what they understand
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a state of cognitive imbalance between experience and what is understood
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modifying schemas (concepts) in relation to new information and experiences
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the ability to recognise, understand and appropriately express emotions. It is essential for forming positive social relationships
Emotional literacy
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the ability to identify with or understand another's situation or feelings, 'walking a mile in someone else's shoes'.
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a strong emotional connection between a child and caregiver
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the way an individual sees themselves, their mental image of themselves
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how a person feels about themselves, self-worth or pride
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an awareness formed in early childhood of being an individual, a unique person and different from everyone else.
Self-concept (sense of identity)
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being deprived of a caregiver to whom an attachment already exists
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being deprived of the opportunity to form an attachment
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the fear and apprehension that infants experience when separated from their primary caregiver
Separation anxiety
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when an infant becomes anxious and fearful around strangers
Stranger anxiety
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genetic inheritance and other biological factors
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the influence of external factors after conception such as social and environmental factors
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a genetically programmed sequence of change, for example the onset of the menopause
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the behaviour is repeated because of personal satisfaction (intrinsic reinforcement) or rewards (extrinsic reinforcement)
Positive reinforcement
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the behaviour is not repeated to avoid an adverse experience such as lack of satisfaction or to avoid being told off
Negative reinforcement
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a predisposition or vulnerability to mental disorder through abnormality of the brain or neurotransmitters
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inherited genes that determine physical growth, development, health and appearance
Genetic predisposition
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an increased likelihood of acquiring a disease because of an individual's genetic makeup
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present at birth
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congenital defects of the brain, spine or spinal cord, such as spina bifida.
Neural tube defects
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a substance that contaminates something such as air or water and may make it unsafe
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conditions affecting the upper respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, pleura and pleural cavity
Respiratory disorders
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any disorder or disease of the heart or blood vessels
Cardiovascular problems
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excessively low body temperature, below 35 ºC (normal body temperature is 37 ºC)
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a family that is not providing all of the support and benefits associated with being in a family
Dysfunctional family
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a definition of the different strategies/ways that parents use to bring up their children
Parenting styles
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the middle value in a list of numbers written in numerical order.
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assumptions that we use to make sense of our social experience
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the process of learning appropriate behaviour in society. Influences include education, media, government and religion/culture
Secondary socialisation
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the process of a child learning the norms, attitudes and values of the culture and society in which they are growing up
Primary socialisation
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principles that we use to guide our thoughts and decisions
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how a person spends their time and money, a 'style' of living
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events that are expected to happen at a particular time. While expected they may have a positive or negative effect on a person's health and well being
Predictable events
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events that happen unexpectedly which may have serious physical and psychological effects on the individual. These effects can be positive or negative
Unpredictable events
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the soft tissue that protects the surfaces of the bone
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symptoms include problems with language, memory and thought processes caused by problems in the blood supply to the brain, for example through stroke
Vascular dementia
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someone who delivers person-centred care in a domiciliary (home) setting, which encourages independence
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organs specifically needed for reproduction (present at birth and develop during puberty)
primary sexual characteristics
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physical signs of sexual maturation that do not directly involve sex organs (develop during puberty)
secondary sexual characteristics
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


complex changes including an increase in skills, abilities and capabilities



Card 3


lines on a graph used to show average measurements of height, weight and head circumference. The lines represent the values of the measurements taking into account age and sex


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


a description of an average set of expectations with respect to a young child's development. For example, by the age of 12 months a child has the ability to stand alone


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


an ability achieved by most children by a certain age.


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