Hair and Beauty questions

What is the main purpose of a toner?
Remove traces of cleanser, return skin to natural pH and temporiliy close the pores.
1 of 22
Why would a beautician/nail technician use Acrylic liquid and powder?
To get a stronger nail as the powder and liquid bonds join together this hardens the nail, making it impossible to break.
2 of 22
Name two finishes on nail enamel?
Gel and acrylic.
3 of 22
What is the main different between depilatory cream and waxing?
Depilatory cream is chemical where as waxing is a semi permanent hair removing method.
4 of 22
When would you use heat protection on your hair?
Before using products like curlers and straighteners so it doesn't damage your hair.
5 of 22
What is the difference between waxing and sugar paste when removing body hair?
Sugar paste is directed to the skin using a natural source whereas wax is used with strips of cloth.
6 of 22
Name two differences between semi permanent hair colour and permanent hair colour?
Semi permanent doesn't cover grey like permanent hair colour. No peroxide in semi permanent but is in pemanent.
7 of 22
Why would you use blusher and mascara?
Blusher: Add warmth and colour to complexion. Mascara: Enhances the lashes.
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What is another name for depilatory cream?
Hair removal cream.
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What does PPE stand for?
Personal protective equipment
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What would you need to do to follow the health and safety at work Act 1974. Give one example
Provide guidelines that aim to protect the health and welfare of all individuals.
11 of 22
What would you use to seal foundation and stop face looking shiny?
Use a face powder which absorbs any excess oils to prevent shiny complexion.
12 of 22
Name three infectious conditions
Cold sores, scabies and conjunctivitis.
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Describe the condition of conjuctivitis and what it looks like?
Redness and inflammation of the thin layer of the thin layer of tissue that covers the front of the eye.
14 of 22
Two items you would wear as part of PPE?
Aprons as chemicals for hair dying. No open cut shoes because of ingrown hair due to cutting clients hair.
15 of 22
Where do scabies bury their eggs?
In the epidermis.
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Differences between hair dresser and a barbers?
Barber usually cut and colours men hair where as hairdressers do females.
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Name a job in leisure and toursim industry.
Personal trainer
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Name a job in health and fitness industry.
Beauty spa therapist
19 of 22
Definition of Aesthetic
Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty
20 of 22
Definition of Botox
Injection into your wrinkles, paralyses muscles.
21 of 22
Whats the turnover for the hair and beauty sector?
£6.2 billion
22 of 22

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why would a beautician/nail technician use Acrylic liquid and powder?


To get a stronger nail as the powder and liquid bonds join together this hardens the nail, making it impossible to break.

Card 3


Name two finishes on nail enamel?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the main different between depilatory cream and waxing?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When would you use heat protection on your hair?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Shauna mahee


why can’t I see any more flash cards other than the first one



Hair growth is a complex process that requires the right nutrients and a balanced diet. In relation, there are many foods that are good for hair growth and health. Some of the best foods for hair growth will be discussed in this article so continue reading to learn more. Read more here

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If you really want to choose a reliable supplier of dermal fillers and botox, then you should visit The best quality on the market and a wide range of products.

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