Other questions in this quiz

2. How is partial pressure measured?

  • mPa (milipascals)
  • kPa (kilo Pascals)
  • Pa (Pascals)
  • µPa (micropascals)

3. Why is confirmational change necessary?

  • It prevents extra molecules from associating with the haem groups
  • The next molecule will find it easier to associate with the haem groups
  • The next two molecules will find it easier to associate with the haem groups
  • All the other molecules will find it easier to associate with the haem groups

4. What is confirmational change?

  • When the shape of the haemoglobin changes.
  • When the shape of the haemoglobin changes in order to encourage oxygen molecules to associate with it
  • When the shape of the haemoglobin changes once the first oxygen molecule has associated
  • When the shape of the haemoglobin changes due to a change in the pO2

5. Where are oxygen molecules taken up by the haem group?

  • In the tissue fluid
  • In the plasma
  • In the erythrocytes
  • In the white blood cells


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