Group 1-alkali Metals

what are the metals in group 1 called?
Alkali metals
1 of 8
two facts about group 1 metals that are true
soft and low melting points
2 of 8
why are group 1 metals different to other metals?
soft and low melting points
3 of 8
when group 1 metals are put in water, hat do they form?
4 of 8
why are group 1 known as alkali metals?
becasue hydroxides form alkaline solutions
5 of 8
as you move down the laments, they get more reactive, what is evidence to show this?
time it takes for each elemnt to react compelty with the water and disappear
6 of 8
if the elemt takes longer to react it is...
less reactive
7 of 8
what is the correct chemical equation for when sodium is put into water?
sodium + water -> sodium hydroxide + hydrogen
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


two facts about group 1 metals that are true


soft and low melting points

Card 3


why are group 1 metals different to other metals?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


when group 1 metals are put in water, hat do they form?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why are group 1 known as alkali metals?


Preview of the front of card 5
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