Gillettes revision blade

get the closest revision with gilletes new revision comes with 5 questions. Gillette, the best a student can get.

  • Created by: Rhys
  • Created on: 05-04-11 10:53

1. Mother any distance uses what to symbolise his journey to independance

  • The house symbolises his dependance, and when he reaches the top, he gains his independance
  • Yam is a vegetable...wait its a fruit.
  • A measuring tape. At the "zero end" is where his mum stands and he slowly flies away like a "kite" on the other end.
  • Helping his mother out around the house
  • A base camp in the mountains "back to base" this shows he is making his own journey.
1 of 4

Other questions in this quiz

2. HomeComing uses what object to link the parents and child together?

  • The phone box
  • The changing room
  • A toy train
  • A yellow jumper
  • A puppy

3. Ben johnson blamed himself for loving his child too much in on my first sonne.

  • True
  • False

4. Kid is between which two famous people and what is the speaker talking about?

  • Spider man and Mary Jane-their love for one another
  • Batman and robin-how batman ditched the other.
  • Mario and luigi-Mario stole luigi's coin
  • Rosy and Jim-they fight over a flowerpot
  • Superman and catgirl-argue between their differences.




yes i got them alright! Really helpful to jog your memory



I got them all right wooooooooo!!!!!!! it is really helpful and a good way to have fun learning love it!!!!

Paul Dutton


A really good quiz for some quick revision.

Paul Dutton


A really good quiz for some quick revision.

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