
  • Created by: dancer8
  • Created on: 02-02-19 19:06
How many people were killed in the Night of the Long Knives?
1 of 30
What % of voters approved Hitler's appointment as Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor in the plebiscite on 19th August?
2 of 30
How many people found the courage to vote in the plebiscite on 19th August?
4.5 million
3 of 30
Between 1934-1939, how many people were tried by the People's Court?
4 of 30
1933, how many temporary concentration camps were there?
5 of 30
By September 1939, how many prisoners were there in concentration camps?
6 of 30
By the end of 1933, how many daily newspapers had the Nazis acquired, and what was there combined circulation?
27. 2.4 million
7 of 30
In 1933, how many radio broadcasts did Hitler make?
8 of 30
What did the estimated audience of his speeches reach in 1935 out of a 70 million population?
56 million
9 of 30
How many radio sets were there in 1935, and how many in 1943?
1935: 7 million. 1943: 16 million
10 of 30
By 1939, what % of German households possessed a radio set?
11 of 30
Between 1933-1945, how many feature films were produced in Germany, and of these what % had a clear political theme?
1,000. 14%
12 of 30
Between 1933-1944, how many times did cinema attendances increase by?
13 of 30
In 1940, how many anti-Semitic films were released?
14 of 30
On 6th May 1933, how many books deemed 'un-German' did a group of Nazi students and Stormtroopers burn?
15 of 30
What % of interest per year did the government offer on bills, if they didn't ask for their cash for up to how many years?
4%. 5 years
16 of 30
In the Reich Labour Service, how many months labour did unemployed men have to do?
17 of 30
In January 1933, what was unemployment?
almost 6 million
18 of 30
By 1935, what did official figures show unemployment had dropped to?
2 million
19 of 30
From 1935, conscription was reintroduced for what aged men?
20 of 30
By 1936, estimates suggest that there were how many "invisible" unemployed?
1.5 million
21 of 30
By 1939, Germany were still importing how much of its raw materials?
22 of 30
A large chemical company, I.G Farben's profits increased from what in 1935 to what in 1939?
1935: 71 million Reichsmarks. 1939: 240 million
23 of 30
What % of available university places were women limited to?
24 of 30
What % of available university places were Jews limited to?
25 of 30
A marriage loan of how many marks was available for women who left work and married an Aryan man?
1000 marks
26 of 30
Women could keep how many marks of their marriage loan for every child they had?
250 marks
27 of 30
How many children did families have to have to achieve a bronze, silver and gold medal given for having large families?
bronze: 4. silver: 6. gold:8
28 of 30
In 1936 what % more births were there than in 1933?
29 of 30
What % of the population did the The Church Secession Campaign succeed in persuading to renounce formal membership of the Churches?
30 of 30

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Card 2


What % of voters approved Hitler's appointment as Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor in the plebiscite on 19th August?



Card 3


How many people found the courage to vote in the plebiscite on 19th August?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Between 1934-1939, how many people were tried by the People's Court?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


1933, how many temporary concentration camps were there?


Preview of the front of card 5
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