German reformation

  • Created by: April
  • Created on: 07-04-13 16:35

1. what did Luther believe?

  • sola scriptura, sola fide and the priesthood of all believers
  • good works, sola fide and the priesthood of all believers
  • sola scriptura, sola fide and that the church was the laities link to god
1 of 6

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2. what year and month did Luther post the ninety-five thesis?

  • July 1521
  • October 1517
  • April 1530

3. when was the peace of Augsburg?

  • 1548
  • 1555
  • 1531

4. what were the 3 life-changing events?

  • lightning strike,saying hail Mary's, bread and the wine
  • lightning strike, bread and the wine, meeting eck
  • not going to Rome, saying hail Mary's, bread and the wine

5. when was Luther born?

  • 1483
  • 1501
  • 1480


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