Geology: Our Dynamic Earth Introduction


1. The age of the universe is estimated by:

  • the age of subatomic particles as determined by radioactive decay
  • the rate at which galaxies are moving away from one another
  • the age of comets formed in interstellar space
  • the temperature of the universal background radiation
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2. Which of the following statements about a scientific theory is not true?

  • It is testable
  • It is conjecture or guess
  • It has a large body of supporting knowledge
  • It is an explanation for some natural phenomena

3. At the moment of the Big Bang there was no ________, there was only ________.

  • nuclear power, matter
  • matter, weak nuclear forces
  • matter, energy
  • gravity, energy

4. The terrestrial planets are

  • Earth, Mars, and Jupiter
  • Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
  • Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
  • Mercury, Earth, Mars, and Pluto

5. Most scientists argue that the greatest environmental problem facing the world today is

  • the ozone hole
  • overpopulation
  • climate change
  • water pollution


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