geogrphy earthquakes and volcanoes

  • Created by: vanirose
  • Created on: 28-01-17 11:11
name four of the plates?
destuctive constructive collosion conservative
1 of 8
what does aconstructive plat boundry do?
a constructive pate boundry is when the plate move away froom each other and create space for magma to come through.
2 of 8
what does a collosion plate boundry do?
a collosion plate boundry is when two continetal crust push against each other, eventually one drops and th el and gets force u which creates fold mountains.
3 of 8
what is an example of fold mountains?
4 of 8
what does a conservtive plate boundry do?
a conservative plate boundry is when two plates stick together and pressure build up and eventually one of the plate slip.
5 of 8
how are earthquake measures?
6 of 8
name two scales used to measure earthquakes
richter scale, mercalli scale
7 of 8
name two tpes of eruptions
fluid and pyroclastic
8 of 8

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Card 2


what does aconstructive plat boundry do?


a constructive pate boundry is when the plate move away froom each other and create space for magma to come through.

Card 3


what does a collosion plate boundry do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is an example of fold mountains?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does a conservtive plate boundry do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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