
What does crime mean
something illegal you do or commit
1 of 14
what does designing out crime mean
is something that prevents crime
2 of 14
what is a crime hotsport
is an area that has more crime than other places around it
3 of 14
longshore drift is the movement of what along a coast
4 of 14
a landform is a feature of the what surface
5 of 14
what are the 4 types of erosion
abrasion, attrition, hydrolic action and solution
6 of 14
what is attrition
this is when rocks get knocked togeather so hard they beome smaller
7 of 14
what is abrasion
this is w hen the waves fling sand and pebbles agaist the rocks
8 of 14
wha is solution
this is when the waves dissolve soluble material from the rocks
9 of 14
what is hydrolic action
waves force water into cracks
10 of 14
what does urbanisation mean
the process of which cities grow
11 of 14
what is a pull factor
a pull factor is something that pulls you to an area
12 of 14
what is a push factor
a push factor is something that pushes you away from an area
13 of 14
what does LEDC stand for
Less Economic Developed Country
14 of 14

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Card 2


what does designing out crime mean


is something that prevents crime

Card 3


what is a crime hotsport


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


longshore drift is the movement of what along a coast


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


a landform is a feature of the what surface


Preview of the front of card 5
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