Geography Paper 1 - Rocks and Shizzle

Sedimentary Rocks
Formed by layering eroded rock debris that has been transported and deposited - causing a build up (sediment).They can also contain fossils.
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Igneous Rocks
Formed by molten rock (known as magma) - could be intrusive (this makes lots of crystals) and extrusive (small crystals).Do not contain fossils.
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Metamorphic Rocks
Formed by metamorphic and igneous rocks under great heat/pressure - under these conditions, the rock will change chemically to form metamorphic rocks. They have layered crystals and can contain fossils.
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Types of rocks in Upland/Highland areas?
Igneous and metamorphic rocks because they tend to me more resistant and were formed when the UK had tectonic activity.
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Examples of Volcanic plugs and cones
Abbey Craig and the island of Ailsa Craig
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Types of rocks in lowland?
Sedimentary rocks in North Downs
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Erosive agents that change the landscape?
Biological, Mechanical and Chemical weathering change the landscape. The climate also changes the landscape as lots of rainfall will increase the erosive power of the river. Mass movement.
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How were lowland areas shaped?
Glacial outwash - as the glaciers melted, the water formed these areas. They have changed due to human activity: settlements such as housing and roads.
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How has agricultural landscapes changed?
Farms used to have hedges and walls but farming practices have changed over time - hedges have been removed and large areas of land is needed for large machinery.
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How has forestry influenced landscapes?
The UK used to be covered with mostly deciduous woodland but over 100 years, the woodland has been felled - this has caused land once covered with trees to become moorlands, settlements and farms. Woodlands are now mostly coniferous.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Igneous Rocks


Formed by molten rock (known as magma) - could be intrusive (this makes lots of crystals) and extrusive (small crystals).Do not contain fossils.

Card 3


Metamorphic Rocks


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Types of rocks in Upland/Highland areas?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Examples of Volcanic plugs and cones


Preview of the front of card 5
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