Geography Assessment 2 ~ Hazards

How many types of plates are there and what are they called?
There are 2 types of plates
- Oceanic plate
- Continental plate
1 of 9
How many plate boundaries are there? Can you name them?
There are 4 plate boundaries.
- Constructive
- Collision
- Destructive
- Conservative
2 of 9
What causes plates to move?
Constructive currents cause plates to move.
3 of 9
Name the different layers of the earth.
- Inner core
- Outer core
- The mantle
- The crust
4 of 9
What is the meaning of subduction?
The sinking of the oceanic plate
5 of 9
What temperature is the mantle?
500 - 900 degrees celsius
6 of 9
What is the meaning of convection currents?
The heating of the molten magma rising to the surface.
7 of 9
What causes the plate boundaries to move?
The heat from radioactive process within the planet's interior.
8 of 9
What is it called when the oceanic plate sinks?
9 of 9

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many plate boundaries are there? Can you name them?


There are 4 plate boundaries.
- Constructive
- Collision
- Destructive
- Conservative

Card 3


What causes plates to move?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name the different layers of the earth.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the meaning of subduction?


Preview of the front of card 5
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