Geog tectonic landscapes 3

Why people live in places with volcanic activity:
Economic: Volcanic soils v. fertile e.g- worlds best coffee grown in Columbia on volcanic soils. Minerals such as tin, silver, gold, Cu and diamonds can be found in volcanic rocks so money outweighs the risks. Volcanoes provide cheap geothermal ener
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Social reasons: Poor people cant afford to move if livelihood based on jobs in that area, dont want to leave families. Spiritual reasons e.g- in Mt Merapi in Indonesia. People think risk of eruption is low, remain dormant for thousands of years.
Environmental - Some are popular tourist destinations as people like looking/visiting the volcanoe.
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Why people live in places with earthquake activity:
Economic: some places e.g- Turkey and Iceland are popular tourist destinations + provide many locals with jobs. Though mines can cave in, the money outweighs the risk
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Social reasons - People can feel safe in earthquake zones due to advanced earthquake proof buildings etc. People believe the chance of them being affected by an earthquake is very low.
Environmental: Some places are known for their beauty e.g California, and buy property despite the earthquake risks.
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Turkey Izmit earthquake - 7th Aug 1999 at 3am a 7.4 mag earthquake hit city of Izmit. Turkey sits on the plate boundaries of the Eurasian, African and Arabian plates. The ground in the area around Izmit mostly consists of soft clay+focus 10km bel sur
Effects on people - 18,000 people dies, 300,000 homeless. Destruction of buildings occured over a wide area, buildings destroyed 80km north of Izmit. Hospitals ran out of beds, roads incl. motorways destroyed, psychological problems after earthquake
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There was also a tidal surge which swept the coastal areas, destroying properties and killed some tourists. 2 years after the earthquake, more than 20,000 people were still living in temp housing- some tents, some in prefabricated huts.
Environmental effects - Oil refinery with 700,000 tonnes of oil was set on fire, polluted air, water + land. Damage to a waste treatment plant + a PVC factory which contaminated rivers and killed fish.
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predicting + preventing volcanic eruptions
Hot springs are measured, tunnels in volcanoes with seismometers, aircraft used to measure amount of gas being given off, tiltmeters detect when volcano swells up as it fills with magma.
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predicting + preventing earthquakes
In Japan 1st September is disaster prevention day - practice drills. In California -buisness preparations made, earthquake insurance etc. Buildings see diagram...
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Card 2


Environmental - Some are popular tourist destinations as people like looking/visiting the volcanoe.


Social reasons: Poor people cant afford to move if livelihood based on jobs in that area, dont want to leave families. Spiritual reasons e.g- in Mt Merapi in Indonesia. People think risk of eruption is low, remain dormant for thousands of years.

Card 3


Economic: some places e.g- Turkey and Iceland are popular tourist destinations + provide many locals with jobs. Though mines can cave in, the money outweighs the risk


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Card 4


Environmental: Some places are known for their beauty e.g California, and buy property despite the earthquake risks.


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Card 5


Effects on people - 18,000 people dies, 300,000 homeless. Destruction of buildings occured over a wide area, buildings destroyed 80km north of Izmit. Hospitals ran out of beds, roads incl. motorways destroyed, psychological problems after earthquake


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