geog revision

  • Created by: sillylily
  • Created on: 21-04-23 10:38
What are the key terms that are important for this topic?
Renewable energy, coral reef, climate change, greenhouse effect, sustainability, habitat, finite
1 of 10
What are the main environmetal concerns?
Deforestation, global warming
2 of 10
What are coral reefs and how are they being destroyed?
Coral reefs are a type of habitat, made of millions of polyps. They are destroyed by being stood on, plastic wrapping around them, propellers and anchors from boats
3 of 10
Human and physical threats to endangered species?
Deforestation, climate change, habitat loss, hunting, over-fishing, disease, predators, few offspring
4 of 10
How can endangered species be protected?
Shelters, breeding, public awareness
5 of 10
What are the different types of energy?
Renewable and non-renewable
6 of 10
What are different types of non renewable energy?
Coal, oil, gas
7 of 10
What are different types of renewable energy?
Solar, wind, tidal
8 of 10
How does the greenhouse effect work?
The uv rays from the sun reflect to Earth and get caught in the Earths atmosphere, as well as toxic gases such as carbon monoxide get caught and only some uv rays get out
9 of 10
How are humans causing climate change?
Deforestation, manufacturing, transportation, powering buildings
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the main environmetal concerns?


Deforestation, global warming

Card 3


What are coral reefs and how are they being destroyed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Human and physical threats to endangered species?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How can endangered species be protected?


Preview of the front of card 5
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