
  • Created by: EAHowe4
  • Created on: 31-03-20 11:22
1. What is a characteristic
A characteristic is a feature or what something is like
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2.What is meant by an environmental characteristic?
An environmental characteristic is a feature that is caused purely by a person’s environment/ surroundings.
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3. Name 3 environmental characteristics.
An example of environmental characteristics are scars, piercings and tattoos.
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4. What is meant by genetic characteristics?
A genetic characteristic is a feature that is determined by your genes passed down from your parents.
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5. Name 3 genetic characteristics.
Examples of genetic characteristics are eye colour, nose shape and natural hair colour.
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6. Where is DNA found in a cell?
DNA is found in the nucleus of the cell.
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7. How many chromosomes are found in a body cell ?
There are 23 pairs or 46 single chromosomes in a body cell.
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8. How many chromosomes are in a sex cell?
There are 23 single chromosomes in a sex cell.
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9. What makes up chromosomes?
Genes make up chromosomes.
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Card 2


2.What is meant by an environmental characteristic?


An environmental characteristic is a feature that is caused purely by a person’s environment/ surroundings.

Card 3


3. Name 3 environmental characteristics.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


4. What is meant by genetic characteristics?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


5. Name 3 genetic characteristics.


Preview of the front of card 5
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