Other questions in this quiz

2. what is a gene?

  • the combination of alleles for a trait
  • DNA
  • a section of DNA on a chromosome coding for a particular polypeptide
  • a part of a chromosome

3. what does Heterozygous mean?

  • having the same two dominant alleles for a given gene
  • having no alleles for a given gene
  • having two different alleles for a given gene, a dominant allele and a recesive allele
  • having the same two recessive alleles for a given gene

4. an allele is?

  • different forms of the same chromosome
  • where the gene is found on a chromosome
  • the same as a locus
  • types if chromosomes

5. having two dominant alleles present for a given gene is known as...?

  • Homozygous
  • Heterozygous Dominant
  • Homozygous Dominant
  • Homozygous Recessive




Excellent idea! Just needs a few more keywords!

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