GCSE Psychology Paper 1 Development

What is the brain stem?
The brain stem is the part of the brain that connects to the spinal cord and controls autonomic functions such as breathing, heart rate etc. It also carries motor and sensory functions via the spinal cord.
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What is the cerebellum?
The cerebellum is located on top of the spinal cord and plays an important role of co-ordination of movement with sensorimotor, it is also on of the last parts to reach maturity.
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What is the thalamus?
The thalamus is located deep inside the brain consisting of two hemispheres covering both sides of the brain and is a size and shape of a walnut, it acts as a hub of information. The thalamus receives sensory signals from the eye and processes it, also co
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What is the Cortex?
The cerebral cortex is divided in two halves all our thinking and processing goes into this thin layer. Thinking, sensory and motor processing.
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What does nature and nurture mean?
Nature refers to that you have inherited while nurture refers to the environment affecting your growth and mindset.
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How does smoking affect babies?
They affect the size of the brain because nicotine slows brain growth.
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How does infections affect babies.
German Measles. one of the effects of rubella is brain damage and hearing loss, this counts as nurture because of the environment.
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How does voices affect babies.
Babies appear to recognize their mothers voice Aswell as babies who where read bedtime stories out of the womb tend to **** more.
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What was Piaget's theory?
Piaget's Theory was all about 'Cognitive Development' and how their way of thinking as they get older.
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What are Schemas?
Schemas a new pieces of information of this world, as a child develops their mental structure builds together with schemas to make sense of the world around you.
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What is Assimilation?
Assimilation is when we understand a new experience and add that new information to our existing schema.
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What is Accommodation?
This also moves and is
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Card 2


What is the cerebellum?


The cerebellum is located on top of the spinal cord and plays an important role of co-ordination of movement with sensorimotor, it is also on of the last parts to reach maturity.

Card 3


What is the thalamus?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the Cortex?


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Card 5


What does nature and nurture mean?


Preview of the front of card 5
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