
  • Created by: Clarice
  • Created on: 08-05-13 14:30
Durkheim (Social Solidarity)
Social Solidarity - individuals need to feel themselves as part of a community. Education creates Social Solidarity by transmitting society's culture.
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Durkheim (Specialist Skills)
Specialist Skills (The skills an individual is good at) - Education teaches the Specialist Skills and Knowledge so individuals can play their part in the Social Division of Labour.
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Education is the bridge between the family and wider society. Particularistic Standards/Universalistic Standards. Ascribed Status/Achieved Status. School and Society is meritocratic.
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Davis & Moore
Education uses Selection and Role Allocation. Inequality is necessary as the most important roles in society need to be filled by the most talented people. Not everyone is equally talented, and everyone needs to compete for these positions.
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Functionalism (Criticisms)
Too determinstic. Marxists - Schools transmit the Ruling Class ideology. Dennis Wrong - Not every pupil accepts the school's values.
5 of 5

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Card 2


Durkheim (Specialist Skills)


Specialist Skills (The skills an individual is good at) - Education teaches the Specialist Skills and Knowledge so individuals can play their part in the Social Division of Labour.

Card 3




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Card 4


Davis & Moore


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Card 5


Functionalism (Criticisms)


Preview of the front of card 5


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