
OCR AS psychology, the study by Freud

  • Created by: VicC
  • Created on: 02-05-09 18:49

1. This is a case study. Which of the following is the correct definition of a case study?

  • a study with a single participant
  • a snapshot study
  • a study that takes place over a long period of time
  • a study with lots of participants
1 of 8

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2. What is the Oedipus Complex?

  • interest in own genitals
  • a desire to replace father in the Mother's affection
  • fear of castration
  • a phobia of horses

3. How old was Hans at the start of the study?

  • 4
  • 2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 6

4. Hans' father used to write to Freud describing Hans' behaviour. Which of the following are problems associated witth this technique?

  • Hans' father might have been biased in his reports
  • Hans' father was already a follower of Freud's work and used to offer his own interpretations
  • all of the above
  • Freud had not seen the behaviour for himself

5. How was Hans' fear of the bath interpreted by Freud?

  • as anxiety that his mother loved his sister more then him
  • as a desire to take his mother away from his father
  • as evidence for castration anxiety
  • as evidence that Hans wished to be more like his father




Thanks for that Vic :)

very good




I did it the second time


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