The Assembly of Notables and political developments (up to 1789 Estates General)

Weeks 6, 7, 8 and 9

  • Created by: Scanli12
  • Created on: 29-11-17 22:01
Who convinced Louis to call the Assembly of Notables?
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Why did Calonne push for the Assembly of Notables?
To pursue his economic proposals
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Louis didn't authorise the Assembly until when?
December 1786
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Where and when did it meet?
The Palace of Versailles in February 1877
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Including the clerical nobility, how many representatives were there?
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What was the notabilities' feelings towards Calonne, and why?
Negative, especially after the publication of the Compte Rendu.which said there was a surplus, and believed that he was at least partly to blame for the crisis- Calonne was notorious for his lavish spending and heavy borrowing. There were also many k
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Which party of notables were especially hostile to any encroachment on their privileges?
The clergy (First Estate)
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What was demanded as a result of hostility?
An Estates-General
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When did Calonne try to win back the public by calling the notables selfish?
April 1787
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What did this lead to?
Calonne's dismissal
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Who was Calonne replaced by?
Archbishop Lomenie de Brienne (Brienne for short)
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Who was he?
An archbishop and leader of the assembly
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What did he produce based on Calonne's ideas?
A slightly amended version of his predecessor's plan
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Was there any change in hostility?
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The Assembly was disbanded when?
May 1787
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How did Brienne try to stave off bankruptcy?
by taking out new loans at a very high rate of interest.
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How did he try to force his proposals?
took them directly to parlements
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what did the Paris Parlement speak for?
provisional parlements
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What did it accept?
administrative reforms
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What did it remain hostile to?
land tax reform
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it decreed that it lacked the authority to sanction this change and refused to register the edicts.
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Where was the Parlement then sent and when?
Troyes in August 1787
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to take it away from the crowds which were calling for an estates general
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Was this successful? Why?
No; the royal action merely renewed demonstrations of support for the parlement
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When did the king allow members to return to paris?
September 1787
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What did Louis then promise? Did this appease the people?
To summon the Estates-General and no
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What did he surround the paris parlement with?
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what was this called and what was is supposed to achieve?
a ‘Royal session’, trying to force the approval of new loans
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Did this appease the people?
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What became of the Duc d'Orleans?
he was exiled
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What was the document issued by the paris parlement in 1788?
argued that only the Estates-General could sanction the levying of new taxes.
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what was this countered by?
may edicts
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what were these?
royal decrees which deprived the parlements of the right to register and protest against royal decrees
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when was the day of tiles?
7 june
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where was this?
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how many were hurt?
4 killed, 30 injured
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when did brienne resign?/when were treasury payments suspended?
16th August
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who returned?
n ecker
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what did he say?
the Estates-General would meet in May 1789 and he agreed to do nothing until then.
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what was the Estates General?
was a legislative assembly of the different estates of French society. It had a separate assembly for each of the three estates, which were called and dismissed by the king. It had no true power in its own right and was not required to approve royal
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when had they last met?
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what was the old procedure?
the estates met separately to discuss issues before voting.
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what system meant that the third estate got a lesser say?
• The voting system worked by estate and not per head, this meant the clergy and nobility always
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what did the third estate want?
voting by head and double the representation
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When did the Paris Parlement contemplate but deny this demand?
September to December 1788
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What happened with the king in december 1788
the king is under pressure and agrees to increase the representatives of the third estate but not change the vote.
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what was published in january 1789?
Abbe Sieyes’ pamphlet- What is the third estate?
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what election system did the upper classes have?
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and lower?
complex system of tiered and indirect voting.
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when did the estates general convene?
may 1789
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first estate numbers?
51 bishops, 16 monks/abbots and 32 others and the rest of the 291 made up by parish priests
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second estate numbers?
majority were old traditional voters- 90 of the 282 could be considered liberal, the rest conservative
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no peasants or artisans (couldn’t afford to support themselves without work) 40% were civil servant, 30% lawyers and 13% from trade and industry. 580 members in total. The third estate had no political experience
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what was rthe focus on:?
tax reform.
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how much was said about the third-estate-desired constitution?
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what did the third estate do?
The third estate wanted the E-G to convene in one assembly hall and refused to do anything until this demand was met
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how productive was this?
between May and June little was done.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why did Calonne push for the Assembly of Notables?


To pursue his economic proposals

Card 3


Louis didn't authorise the Assembly until when?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where and when did it meet?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Including the clerical nobility, how many representatives were there?


Preview of the front of card 5
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