Freedom Riders

  • Created by: emma.1074
  • Created on: 25-02-18 19:28
Who organised the Freedom Rides?
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What year was the Freedom Ride?
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What was the aim of the rides?
Their aim was to create negative media coverage of segregation in bus station facilities as they knew the law wasn't being upheld
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Where did the first bus reach, and what did the Riders encounter?
The first bus reached Anniston, Alabama and was attacked by over 100 KKK members. The Anniston bomb was thrown into the bus but nobody died
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Why could some Riders not continue on their bus journey?
No driver agreed to continue the journey
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Where did the riders stay ?
They stayed in Birmingham where a threatening crowd of segregationists gathered
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What happened when the police escorted the Riders to Montgomery?
The police left them to defend themselves against a white mob at a bus station. The mob attacked and beat the riders
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What happened to many Freedom Riders in summer?
Over 300 were jailed, and were not protected by federal government
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What did the federal government do in November?
They threatened to use federal officers to enforce desgregation of bus facilities
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Did bus facilities in the south desegregate?
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Card 2


What year was the Freedom Ride?



Card 3


What was the aim of the rides?


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Card 4


Where did the first bus reach, and what did the Riders encounter?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why could some Riders not continue on their bus journey?


Preview of the front of card 5
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