Free energy change on mixing

State the equation for Δ_mix G (for an ideal solution)
Δ_mix G = RT(x_1ln(x_1)+x_2ln(x_2))
1 of 20
Describe Δ_mix G
It is only affected by T and D, It is always negative (thus spontaneous), the minimum occurs when x_i = 0.5.
2 of 20
What is Raoult's law ?
The activity of a component in a solution is equal to its mole fraction. It applies to all ideal solutions and it is ~ real solutions with only small amounts of components (when they are almost pure).
3 of 20
Give the equation for Raoult's law
p_i =p*_i x_i
4 of 20
What is the total pressure in the case of Raoult's law?
p_tot =p*_i x_i +p*_2 x_2
5 of 20
Describe an ideal solution in terms of enthalpy
It has no enthalpic contribution.Δ_mix H = 0
6 of 20
Describe a real solution in terms of enthalpy
It has an enthalpic contribution. Δ_mix H != 0
7 of 20
What is Henry's law ?
The vapour pressure of a component in dilute solution is proportional to its concentration. It models behaviour that is charateristic of an ideal dilute solution. Real solutions follow the law when they are very dilute.
8 of 20
Give the equation for Henry's law
p_i = K_H,i x_i
9 of 20
Give the equation for the interaction parameter
β = zn_tot(2U_AB -U_AA-U_BB)/2 ] where z:coord number of species in solution; n_tot: total number of moles
10 of 20
What is the interaction parameter?
It takes into account the difference in the internal energies U of bonds between different neighbours.
11 of 20
Describe what β >0 means
The bonds between 1 and 2 are weaker so a 2 phase mixture may form.
12 of 20
Describe what β =0 means
The solution is ideal Δ_mix H =0
13 of 20
Describe what β<0 means
Bonds between 1 and 2 are stronger than 1 +1 and 2+2 (mixing is favoured)
14 of 20
What is the critical solution temperature?
The temperature at which only 1 phase exists , below this two phases can exist.
15 of 20
When are two phases possible?
T< T_c
16 of 20
What is the activity for a solid mixture?
Ideal: a_i =x_i; real: a_i =γ_i x_i
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What is the activity for a liquid mixture?
ideal: a_i= c_i/c。=b_i/b。; real: a_i = γ_i *(c_i/c。) =γ_i *(b_i/b)
18 of 20
What is the activity for a gas mixture?
ideal: a_i = p_i/p。; real: a_i = f_i /p。 = φ_i *( p_i/p。)
19 of 20
What happens to a G verses T graph for a mixture?
The equilibrium of solid and liquid is shifted to lower temperature. The boiling point shifts to a higher temperature.
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe Δ_mix G


It is only affected by T and D, It is always negative (thus spontaneous), the minimum occurs when x_i = 0.5.

Card 3


What is Raoult's law ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give the equation for Raoult's law


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the total pressure in the case of Raoult's law?


Preview of the front of card 5
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