Frankenstein Quotes

"I am already..."
"Far north of London."
1 of 50
"The pole is..."
"The seat of frost and desolation."
2 of 50
"Encompassed as I am..."
"By frost and snow."
3 of 50
"His eyes have..."
"Generally an expression of wildness, and even madness."
4 of 50
"Thank you...for your sympathy..."
"but it is useless;my fate is nearly fulfilled."
5 of 50
"You will perceive..."
"How irrevocably it is determined."
6 of 50
"My family is..."
"one of the most distinguished of [Geneva]."
7 of 50
"What glory would..."
"attend the discovery, if I could banish disease from the human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death.
8 of 50
"It was a strong effort..."
"Of the spirit of good; but it was ineffectual."
9 of 50
"Destiny was..."
"Too potent, and her immutable laws had decreed my utter and terrible destruction."
10 of 50
"His yellow skin..."
"scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries underneath."
11 of 50
"His shriveled..."
"complexion and dark lips."
12 of 50
"I saw the dull..."
"Yellow eye of the creature open."
13 of 50
"The moon.."
"gazed on my midnight labors."
14 of 50
"Separated from..."
"all of the other apartments."
15 of 50
"I dabbled..."
"among the unhallowed damps of the grave."
16 of 50
"Mont Blanc..."
"the supreme and magnificent Mont Blanc raised itself from the surrounding aiguilles."
17 of 50
"Mont Blanc, in awful majesty."
18 of 50
"Jutting rocks..."
"of the mountain."
19 of 50
"I sat upon..."
"The rock that overlooks to sea of ice."
20 of 50
"I am surrounded by..."
"mountains of ice, which admit no escape, and threaten every moment to crush my vessel."
21 of 50
"I never saw a man..."
"in so wretched a condition."
22 of 50
"I was passionately..."
"fond of reading."
23 of 50
"Which...can only be..."
"effected by an undertaking such as mine."
24 of 50
"Do I not deserve..."
"to accomplish some great purpose?"
25 of 50
"No one can feel.."
"more deeply than he does the beauties of nature."
26 of 50
"I expected..."
"this reception."
27 of 50
"I will not be tempted..."
"to set myself in opposition to thee."
28 of 50
29 of 50
30 of 50
"I sprang..."
"on him."
31 of 50
"was man, indeed..."
"once so powerful, so virtuous, and magnificent, yet so vicious and base?"
32 of 50
"unhappy wretch!"
33 of 50
"Like the archangel..."
"who aspired omnipotence, I am in eternal hell."
34 of 50
"but even so..."
"the fallen angel becomes the malignant devil."
35 of 50
36 of 50
"and Albertus Magnus."
37 of 50
"Alas! Why does man..."
"boast of sensibilities superior to those apparent in the brute."
38 of 50
"A stronger light..."
"pressed upon my nerves."
39 of 50
"I lay by..."
"the side of a brook."
40 of 50
"I ate..."
"some berries."
41 of 50
"I am malicious..."
"because I am miserable."
42 of 50
"The love of another..."
"Will destroy the cause of my crimes."
43 of 50
"When I felt the cheering..."
"warmth of summer... i should have wept to die; now it is my only consolation."
44 of 50
"I ardently hope..."
"That the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you as mine has. "
45 of 50
"I became myself..."
"capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter."
46 of 50
"Some fled..."
"Some attacked me... I escaped...and fearfully took refuge."
47 of 50
"learn my miseries..."
"and do not seek to increase your own."
48 of 50
"how dangerous is the acquirement..."
"of knowledge, and how much happier that man who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow."
49 of 50
"He was soon borne..."
"Away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance."
50 of 50

Other cards in this set

Card 2


"The pole is..."


"The seat of frost and desolation."

Card 3


"Encompassed as I am..."


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


"His eyes have..."


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


"Thank you...for your sympathy..."


Preview of the front of card 5
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