
Themes in Frankenstein
Dangerous Knowledge - Life and Existence - Secrecy and Lies - Appearances - Nature - Revenge
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Dangerous Knowledge
Both Victor and Robert Walton push human knowledge beyond its current boundaries - This turns out badly for them both.
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Life and Existence
If Victor can create life from nothing, what does this say about the role of parents? The Creature seems to be a ‘blank slate’ and his personality develops according to his treatment by society. Is this how it is when humans are born?
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Secrecy and Lies
Victor covers up his creation and ends up losing everyone he loves. His own health also suffers with the secret he keeps inside.
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The Creature is rejected by everybody purely on the basis of his looks. Victor is possibly more monstrous than the Creature.
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The natural world is seen as a place where people can be renewed spiritually. Victor often uses the natural world to try to ease his guilt. However, at the end of the novel, the frozen wastes represent Victor’s emotional state and the end
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The Creature takes revenge on Victor for abandoning him. Victor then tries to take revenge on the Creature.
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Card 2


Both Victor and Robert Walton push human knowledge beyond its current boundaries - This turns out badly for them both.


Dangerous Knowledge

Card 3


If Victor can create life from nothing, what does this say about the role of parents? The Creature seems to be a ‘blank slate’ and his personality develops according to his treatment by society. Is this how it is when humans are born?


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Card 4


Victor covers up his creation and ends up losing everyone he loves. His own health also suffers with the secret he keeps inside.


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Card 5


The Creature is rejected by everybody purely on the basis of his looks. Victor is possibly more monstrous than the Creature.


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