Formulas - C1

Total Cost
Fixed +total variable
1 of 23
Total Revenue
selling price x quantity
2 of 23
Total Profit
Total revenue - total cost
3 of 23
Contribution per unit
selling price - variable cost per unit
4 of 23
Total contribution
total revenue - total variable cost
5 of 23
Break even point
fixed cost / contrinution per unit
6 of 23
Margin of safety
actual sales - break even point
7 of 23
%change in QD / %change in price
8 of 23
%change in QD / %change in income
9 of 23
change / original x 100
10 of 23
Market share
company sales/ whole market sales x 100
11 of 23
Net cash flow
Cash in - Cash out
12 of 23
Closing Balance
Opening Balance + net cash flow
13 of 23
Gross profit
Revenue - cost of sales
14 of 23
Gross profit margin
gross profit / revenue x 100
15 of 23
Net profit
Gross profit - expenses
16 of 23
Net profit margin
Net profit before tax / revenue x 100
17 of 23
Capacity utilisation
actual output / maximum possible x 100
18 of 23
Labour productivity
Output / number of staff
19 of 23
Capital productivity
output / capital employed
20 of 23
Capital employed
Total assets - current liabilities
21 of 23
Labour turnover
Number of staff leaving / average number of staff x 100
22 of 23
No of staff absent per time period / total number of days that should be worked x 100
23 of 23

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Total Revenue


selling price x quantity

Card 3


Total Profit


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Contribution per unit


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Total contribution


Preview of the front of card 5
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