Other questions in this quiz

2. Sociobiological model suggests what?

  • Physical attractiveness isn't the most important factor in forming relationship, other factors such as emotion are more important
  • We form relationships with those with adaptive qualities that will promote survival and help future offspring survive
  • We will form relationships with those of a similar level of attractiveness to us as the relationship is more likely to occur.
  • When forming a relationship we will fulfil other's needs in order for our needs to be fulfilled

3. What did Lott find?

  • Physical attractiveness is more important to men in forming a relationship than women
  • Women in collectivist cultures are more focused on the needs of others than their own
  • High levels of dopamine in the subcortial reward regions of the brain

4. What does the Reward/need satisfaction model suggest?

  • We form relationships with those with adaptive qualities that will promote survival and help future offspring survive
  • We form relationships with those we associate with happy events as when see them again we are reminded of the event and the person is positively reinforced
  • When forming a relationship we will fulfil other's needs in order for our needs to be fulfilled
  • Physical attractiveness isn't the most important factor in forming relationship, other factors such as emotion are more important

5. Clark and Mill said ...

  • When forming a relationship we will fulfil other's needs in order for our needs to be fulfilled
  • Physical attractiveness isn't the most important factor in forming relationship, other factors such as emotion are more important
  • We form relationships with those with adaptive qualities that will promote survival and help future offspring survive
  • We form relationships with those we associate with happy events as when see them again we are reminded of the event and the person is positively reinforced


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