Forensic Psychology

  • Created by: bobali194
  • Created on: 18-10-17 14:36
Any act breaking the law, punishable by legal system.
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Not following norms, values or expectations of society.
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Issues with Defining Crime
1. Time- smacking children was not illegal previously but is now, if it leaves a mark on the child. 2.Culture- homosexuality in Western Cultures is more accepted than in Eastern Cultures such as Saudi Arabia
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Ways to measure crime
Official Statistics, Victim Surveys and Offender Surveys
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Official statistics- police and government note figures based on the crimes reported and recorded by the police. Published by the Home Office to allow government to direct resources to those in need and start initiatives.
Advantage: real life application, snapshot allows the development of crime prevention strategies and policing initiatives. Disadvantages: dependent on the crime reported in true figures. Some may not be reported by the police or the person themselves
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Farrington and Dowal, 1985
Study, found that police in the borough of Nottinghamshire were more likely than other regions to record thefts of under £10- 'spike' of thefts in this area. Policing priorities may affect the official figures
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Victim Surveys- recording victim's experience of crime over a specific crime over a specific period. The Crime survey documented the crimes, where 50000 houses were selected. Allows Home Office to produce figures on victim surveys since 1982.
Changes- allowed 10-15 year olds to be introduced to record crime figures. Advantages: inclusive of crimes which would not be recorded by the police, the greater degree of accuracy conceals the dark figure. Disadvantage: Relies on respondents.
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Offender Surveys: self-report measures that require to record the number and types of crime committed over a specified period. Targeting groups depending on 'risk' factors.
Advantage: alternative methods giving an insight into how many people are responsible for some offences. Confidentiality is reassured, response may be unreliable. Disadvantage: concealing serious crimes: exaggerating the number of crimes committed
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Card 2


Not following norms, values or expectations of society.



Card 3


1. Time- smacking children was not illegal previously but is now, if it leaves a mark on the child. 2.Culture- homosexuality in Western Cultures is more accepted than in Eastern Cultures such as Saudi Arabia


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Card 4


Official Statistics, Victim Surveys and Offender Surveys


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Card 5


Advantage: real life application, snapshot allows the development of crime prevention strategies and policing initiatives. Disadvantages: dependent on the crime reported in true figures. Some may not be reported by the police or the person themselves


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