Food Tests

  • Created by: hnawaz
  • Created on: 20-01-19 18:34
Name which enzyme breaks down protein, and what is made
Protein molecules are broken down by the enzyme called protease. The substrate are amino acids
1 of 9
Name which enzyme breaks down starch, and what is made
Starch is broken down by the enzyme called amylase. The substrate is maltose
2 of 9
Name which enzyme breaks down lipids, and what is made
Lipid molecules are broken down by the enzyme called lipase. The substrate are glycerol and fatty acids
3 of 9
What is maltose
Maltose if the substrate of starch. It is a disaccharide (two sugars). It uses maltase to break down.
4 of 9
Describe the test for starch.
Add iodine. If it is positive, there should be a colour change from brown to black
5 of 9
Describe the test for protein.
Add Biurets solution. A positive result should see a colour change from blue to lilac
6 of 9
Describe the test for glucose.
Add Benedicts solution, and heat in a water bath . Positive result is a colour change from blue to a brick red precipitate.
7 of 9
Descrbe the test for lipids.
Add ethanol and shake for a minute and pour in water. Positive result is that the lipids precipitate out of the liquid and become a cloudy emulsion(white precipitate). The more lipids present, the more noticeable the white.
8 of 9
Undissolved powder in the liquid.
9 of 9

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name which enzyme breaks down starch, and what is made


Starch is broken down by the enzyme called amylase. The substrate is maltose

Card 3


Name which enzyme breaks down lipids, and what is made


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is maltose


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the test for starch.


Preview of the front of card 5
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