food revision

3 macronutrients and functions in the body. with an example of food sources
. carbohydrate- provide heat and energy- brown rice and wholemeal pasta. protein - builds and repairs tissue- fish, meat, and eggs. fats-provide heat and energy- avocado, salmon and olive oil
1 of 12
what are 2 types of micronutrients?
. vitamins - water-soluble - (b - grains and c-fruit and veg)
. fat-soluble - (A- liver and veg DEK)
2 of 12
what does basal metabolic rate mean?
how fast your body metabolises energy
basal = basic rate
3 of 12
what factors influence our metabolic rate
. gender. age
. activity level. health
4 of 12
why is it important to have some fat in the diet?
to protect organs and help store energy
5 of 12
sustainability meaning
growing and protection using practices that dont cause harm to our environment
6 of 12
recommended, dietary, intake
7 of 12
3 pillars of sustainability
- no pollution
- no wate
- no food in landfill

social sustainability
- provide fair and equal working conditions

economic sustainability
- produced at fair price and wage
8 of 12
function of water
used for all bottling processes and transferring of nutrients
9 of 12
what is the difference between complex and simple carbohydrates
complex have longer chains of sugar molecules than simple
10 of 12
organic meaning
has to be passed by the government, soils cant contain any chemicals and no fertilizers can be used. organic foods are higher priced
11 of 12
where can you find simple carbohydrates
brown rice, brown bread, brown pasta
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are 2 types of micronutrients?


. vitamins - water-soluble - (b - grains and c-fruit and veg)
. fat-soluble - (A- liver and veg DEK)

Card 3


what does basal metabolic rate mean?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what factors influence our metabolic rate


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why is it important to have some fat in the diet?


Preview of the front of card 5
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