Flight controls

  • Created by: Kate Fish
  • Created on: 03-06-18 14:22
How many engines does the A330-300 have?
1 of 11
How many engines does the A340-600 have?
2 of 11
How many engines does the B787 have?
3 of 11
How many engines does the the B747 have?
4 of 11
Where is the rudder and what does it do?
Located on the trailing edge of the horizontal stabiliser to aid in turning left or right
5 of 11
Where are the elevators and what do they do?
Located on the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilisers to assist in climbing and diving (up/down)
6 of 11
Where are the slats/flaps and what do they do?
They are located on inner leading and trailing edge of the wings. they are partially deployed for take-off to increase the curve of the wing, thus applying more lift. They are fully deployed for landing to increase life for land at low speeds.
7 of 11
Where are the ailerons and what do they do?
They are located at the outbound trailing edge of the wing (middle too). They assist in turning. when flap is up that wing will go down.
8 of 11
Where are the spoilers and what do they do?
Located on the upper surface of the wing. They create drag to slow down the aircraft in flight and after landing.
9 of 11
Where is the fuel jettison and what is used for?
Located at the tips of the wings and used to dump fuel for landing
10 of 11
How do you count the engines?
from left to right... 1,2,3,4
11 of 11

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Card 2


How many engines does the A340-600 have?



Card 3


How many engines does the B787 have?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many engines does the the B747 have?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where is the rudder and what does it do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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I totally understand how frustrating it can be when a flight gets canceled, especially when you have plans that depend on it. I'm sorry to hear about your experience with the canceled Delta flight. It's not uncommon for these situations to trigger a sense of anger and inconvenience. In terms of seeking compensation for the inconvenience caused, there are definitely steps you can take. One option is to reach out to Delta's customer service directly and explain the situation. They might be able to provide you with information about any compensation or alternate arrangements they can offer. It's always a good idea to have your flight details handy when contacting them. Additionally, you might want to consider using services like AirAdvisor. AirAdvisor is a platform that specializes in assisting passengers in getting compensation for flight disruptions, including cancellations. They have a good track record of helping travelers navigate through the compensation process. You can check out their website and see if they can offer guidance specific to your situation.

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