fitness (animals)

what's fitness?
measure of an individuals ability to produce offspring
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name some fitness components
viability, mating success, fecundity
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what's direct fitness?
gained through individual reproduction
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what's indirect fitness?
gained through non personal reproduction e.g granchildren
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what's inclusive fitness?
Hamilton (1964)- total of direct and indirect fitness
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what's the coefficient of relatedness?
the chance of two individuals possessing an identical allele/ percentage of genes shared by two individuals by common descent
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what's the coefficient of relatedness between parent and offspring? what about grandparent and grandchild?
0.5 0.25
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what equation does Campbell (1993) use to describe the coefficient of relatedness?
r=0.5 to the power of L. L=number of generation links between two individuals concerned
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what does inclusive fitness do?
incorporates the potential costs and benefits of performing a given act to an individual and any of its genetic relatives
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why is it difficult to directly measure fitness in the wild?
would need complete pedigrees- often not enough information provided from previous generations and can't assign fathers with confidence
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name some indirect measures of fitness?
number of eggs laid, number of young hatched, number of young fledged, molecular markers
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what did Griffin do in 2003?
looked at relatedness in meerkat family using molecular markers
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what's lifetime reproductive success?
sum of the reproductive contributions from each of the ages to which an individual succeeds in surviving (Partridge, 1989)
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why use lifetime reproductive success instead of the reproductive success of one year?
chance events can influence success in one year, can have good years and bad years.
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name a lifetime reproductive success study
Clutton-Brock-Guinness red deer study on isle of Rhum since 1971
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what does the red deer study do?
follows individuals throughout their lives. they've been collared, tagged and details have been recorded.
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what can affect the LRS in females?
proximate factors- lifespan, calf mortality, fecundity. ultimate factors-resource access as adult, size of matrilineal group
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what can affect the LRS in males?
proximate factors-access to females, harem size, fighting ability, lifespan. ultimate factors-body size, birth weight
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what did Clutton-Brock et al find regarding LRS in females?
contribution to LRS broken down as follows: reproductive lifespan 26.5%, fecundity 7.7%, offspring survival 57.4%
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what did Clutton-Brock et al find regarding LRS in males
contribution to LRS broken down as follows: reproductive lifespan 6.86%, mating success 31.73%, offspring survival 19.56%
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


name some fitness components


viability, mating success, fecundity

Card 3


what's direct fitness?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what's indirect fitness?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what's inclusive fitness?


Preview of the front of card 5
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