finance continued

A society’s set of norms about behaviour and attitudes across social groups. It indicates what society considers to be acceptable and unacceptable.
1 of 8
Ethical investing
When someone chooses to save in a way that means the money will be used for what that individual considers to be good purposes. Ethics are a set of ideas about what people believe is morally right.
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Feedback effect
The notion that thoughts and feelings have a direct influence on behaviour. As expectations can be self-fulfilling, people’s own attitudes affect the outcome of events.
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Hire purchase
A type of secured consumer credit to finance items such as cars and furniture, which involves the borrower repaying over a number of years.
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Money paid into financial products; the aim is that the value of the product will grow over time and so the person will eventually receive back more money than they paid in. Investments are a way of saving over the medium or long term.
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Life assurance
A type of insurance policy that pays out a sum of money if the insured person dies.
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Advertising, selling and delivering products to customers. Everything a company does to acquire customers and maintain a relationship with them, including promotion and public relations (PR).
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Things that people need to survive, such as food, basic clothing and a place to live.
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Card 2


When someone chooses to save in a way that means the money will be used for what that individual considers to be good purposes. Ethics are a set of ideas about what people believe is morally right.


Ethical investing

Card 3


The notion that thoughts and feelings have a direct influence on behaviour. As expectations can be self-fulfilling, people’s own attitudes affect the outcome of events.


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Card 4


A type of secured consumer credit to finance items such as cars and furniture, which involves the borrower repaying over a number of years.


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Card 5


Money paid into financial products; the aim is that the value of the product will grow over time and so the person will eventually receive back more money than they paid in. Investments are a way of saving over the medium or long term.


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