Film studies theory

  • Created by: macks
  • Created on: 31-03-16 10:15
How does the "reception theory" work?
Based on Stuart Hall's encoding and decoding of the media which is used to explain the relationship between the text and the viewer. The text is encoded by the director and decoded by the viewer.
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what is the preffered reading?
What the producer hopes the audiecne would take from the text.
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what is the oppositional reading?
The audience may reject the preffered reading and recieve their own message.
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what is the negoitionted reading??
Acknowledge the preffered reading but modfying it to their own values and reads.
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What is moral panic
to do with the dealing of violence and drama in the media.
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how does this theory work?
the media uses a scapegoat in order to manipulate and purusade their audience to a certain motion. Disportionate responces by the public are seen as endangering the social values. Therefore sollutions must be found to prevent mass hysteria.
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What is the cycle of moral panic?
A crisis happens.The public then becomes sensitive to the issue. Deviants in society are hunted to become scapegoats. The goverment adds defination to the issue and now appears to be fact. The deviant issue is escallated: there is panic in the public
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However what is the main issue of this cycle?
The real problem is never realy solved.
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Card 2


what is the preffered reading?


What the producer hopes the audiecne would take from the text.

Card 3


what is the oppositional reading?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the negoitionted reading??


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is moral panic


Preview of the front of card 5
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