Feminism Flahscards

Sex / Biology
natural and unalterable "born with it" = genes and hormones and sexual organs
1 of 11
Gender Roles
defined by the society and culture = Stereotypes of masculine and feminine traits/roles
2 of 11
Masculine Traits
Competitiveness, Aggression, Decision maker/Leader, 'bread-winner' = superior to feminine traits
3 of 11
Feminine Traits
Passivity + Submissiveness = mother and carer for children
4 of 11
Biological difference are minimal + humans not judged on their sex
5 of 11
Disagreement between Sex and Gender
Equality vs Difference = Biology matters because they are fundamentally different v
6 of 11
Liberal Feminist ideology
Want equal rights + women don't need to accept traditional roles
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Socialist Feminist
Gender is less significant than CLASS + class politics is KEY FOCUS
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Radical Feminist
Child's upbringing = responsibility of community/state not women
9 of 11
Cultural Feminist
A form of difference feminist = focus to challenge male dominance in society
10 of 11
Reformist Feminist
Seeking change gradually + peacefully = liberal?
11 of 11

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Card 2


defined by the society and culture = Stereotypes of masculine and feminine traits/roles


Gender Roles

Card 3


Competitiveness, Aggression, Decision maker/Leader, 'bread-winner' = superior to feminine traits


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Passivity + Submissiveness = mother and carer for children


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Biological difference are minimal + humans not judged on their sex


Preview of the back of card 5
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