

1. What is 'Patriarchy'?

  • Social system based on age inequality - youth dominated society
  • Social system based on gender inequality - male dominated society
  • Social system based on gender inequality - female dominated society
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Other questions in this quiz

2. What are the two criticisms of feminism?

  • Criticism Cricket says... "There are none!"
  • Ignore other factors (age, class, etc), and that they generalise about all women with different experiences (age, ethnicity, etc)
  • They generalise about all women with different experiences (age, ethnicity, etc), lacks imperical evidence
  • Ignore other factors (age, class, etc), Over-emphaisise differences between women

3. How do Marxist Feminists think that the emergence of capitalism alterted the relations between men and women?

  • Didn't change anything as sexism persisted before capitalism
  • Men try to gain power over women, employers treat women as reserve army of labour, male workers exclude women from their trades and crafts, husbands exploit their wives' unpaid housework
  • Made relations more equal
  • Everyone had to wear snapback caps!

4. What do Radical feminists think about male domination and what to do about it?

  • It is not inevitable, but there are natural differences between the sexes - Seperatism is advised, women should leave socially and sexually from men
  • Steal back the pizza, win at Dominoes!
  • It is inevitable, there are natural differences between the sexes - Seperatism is advised, women should leave socially and sexually from men
  • There are no natural differences between the sexes - Seperatism is advised, women should leave socially and sexually from men

5. What six interacting strucutres does Walby note as having patricarchial relations?

  • Childrens' games, employment, state policies, male violence against women, sexuality, cultural insititutions (Eg education, media)
  • Jenga, Dominoes, card towers, sugar cube stacks, panda crackers stacks, mud-chip house
  • Domestic life, employment, state policies, male violence against women, sexuality, cultural insititutions (Eg education, media)
  • Domestic life, employment, state policies, male violence against women, sexuality, sports


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