Family in Pigeon English

At first me and Lydia stayed together at breaktime.
This quote shows the comfort and security Harri feels when he is with his sister, emphasizing the protective bond they share.
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Support and Security
The family offers a sense of safety and security against the harsh realities of the council estate where Harri lives. His mother and sister provide emotional and practical support, forming a small unit against the external world.
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Cultural Connection
Harri’s family also serves as a link to his Ghanaian heritage, holding onto traditions and values from home. This is crucial in helping Harri retain his identity in a diverse and often confusing new world.
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Struggle and Sacrifice
The narrative also highlights the sacrifices family members make for each other. Harri's mother, for example, works hard to provide for the family, and there are references to family members back in Ghana who remain dependent on their financial support.
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Separation and Longing
There's a poignant element of separation, as part of Harri's family, including his father and baby sister, remain in Ghana. This separation highlights the sacrifices immigrant families make and the pain of being split across continents.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Support and Security


The family offers a sense of safety and security against the harsh realities of the council estate where Harri lives. His mother and sister provide emotional and practical support, forming a small unit against the external world.

Card 3


Cultural Connection


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Struggle and Sacrifice


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Separation and Longing


Preview of the front of card 5


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