Families and Households

Glossary of terms.

  • Created by: Hayleigh
  • Created on: 29-11-12 13:06
Ageing Population
A population in which the average age is increasing.
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Birth Rate
The number of live births per thousand of the population per year.
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A marxist term for the capitalist (ruling) class, the owner of the means of production.
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A system of production in which the economic institutions, e.g. Banks and factories, are privately owned.
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Cereal Packet Norm
Stereotypical view of the family as shown in advertising. The family is present nuclear, with a traditional division of labour.
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Class Consciousness
Awareness of being in a certain social class.
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Living together as a partnership without marriage.
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Conjugal Rules
Marital roles, the roles of the husband and wife.
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Consensus Theory
Fuctionalist theories based on the idea that societies need consensus or agreement about norms and family.
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Co-Parenting /Joint Parenting
Parents who continue to share responsibitly of raising the children, even after seperation or divorce.
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Cottage Industry
The production of goods in the home.
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The learned, shared behaviour of members of the society. Culture includes meanings, values and norms.
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Death Rate
The number of deaths per thousand of the population per year.
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The study of populations.
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Dependant Children
Children either under 16 or 16-19 and untaking full time education.
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The legal termination of a marriage.
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Divorce Rate
The number of divorces per thousand married people.
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Domestic Labour
Unpaid work such as housework and childcare, within the home and family.
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Dual Burden
The double burden of paid employement and domestic labour.
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The harmful effects that a part of society has on society as a whole.
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Emotion Work
The emotional support which members of the family provide for each other.
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Empty Shell Marriage
The couple share the same residence, remain legally married, but thier marriage exists in name only.
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Extended Family
A family containing relatives in additction to the nuclear family. An extension to the nuclear family.
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Expressive Role
The caring, nurturing, "homemaker" role in the family.
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A view that challenges mens power over woman.
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First Marriage
A marriage where neither partner has been married before.
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The contribution part of the society makes to the wellbeing of society as a whole.
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A theory which sees society as made up of various parts, each of which contributes to the well being of society as a whole.
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A group of people who share a common residence.
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A set of ideas or beliefs.
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A process which increasingly releases people from societys norms and allows them to develop greater independance and self expression.
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The move to the production of manufactured good in factories.
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Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
The number of deaths of infacts under one year old, per thousand live births.
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Instrumental Role
The breadwinner or provider role in the family.
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Isolated Nuclear Family
A married couple and thier children who are largely independant from the wider kinship network.
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Relatives based on married or genes.
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Kinship Based Society
A society in which social institutions and peoples roles are largely organised on the basis of kinship relationships.
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Late Modernity
The term used by Giddens to describe the contemporary period, which is characterised by choice and change.
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Life Chances
A persons changes of obtaining things defined as desirable and avoiding things defined as undesirable.
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Life Expectancy
The number of years a person can be expected to live.
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A social group made up of people of descended from a common ancestor.
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Lone Parent Family
A parent without a partner living with thier dependant children.
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Means Of Production
Factories, machinery, raw materials, land ect owned by the bourgeoisie.
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A theory which sees a basic conflictof interest between those who own the economic institutions and those who are employed by them.
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Marxist Feminists
Feminists who see patriarchy as resulting from class inequalities.
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A system of marriage involving two or more wives, or two or more husbands.
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Multicultural Families
Families in which partners are from different ethnic groups.
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Performing a number of functions.
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Natural Change
The difference in the size of population resulting in the difference between births and deaths.
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Net Migration
The difference between the number of immigrants entering the country and the number of emigrants leaving it.
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Social expectations of rules about how people should behave. Guides to behaviour.
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Nuclear Family
A family consisting of an adult and female with one or more children, own or adopted.
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A social system based on male domination.
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A system of marriage involving two or more wives, or two or more husbands.
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A system of marriage involving two or more wives.
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A system of marriage involving two or more husbands.
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The era after modernity which is characterised by fluidity, uncertainty and lack of consensus.
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Primary Relationship
Close, long lasting and special ties between people.
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Primary Socialisation
The first and most important part of the socialisation process whereby young people learn the norms and values of society (usually from parents).
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The working class in society. They own no means of production and are forced to sell their labour in order to survive.
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Radical Feminists
Feminists who see patriarchy as the main form of inequality in society.
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Reconstituted Family
A family in which one or both partners bring children from a previous relationship,
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A marriage in which one or both have been married before.
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The parts people play in society.
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Ruling Class Ideology
A false picture of society which supports the picture of the ruling class.
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Secondary Socialisation
Socialisation that comes later in life from various sources such as education, peer groups and media.
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The view that religion is declining in society.
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A married couple who end their relationship and live in seperate residences but remain legally married.
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Social Class
A group which occupies a particular social and economic position in society.
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Social Construction
Something that is created by society, constructed from social meaning and definitions.
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Stratified Diffusion
The spread of ideas and behaviour through the class system from top to bottom.
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Certain meanings, values and norms which are distinctive to a particular group within society.
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Symmetrical Family
A nuclear family in which the roles of a husband and wife are increasingly similar. It is a home-centered, privatised and self contained.
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Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
The average number of children that a woman would have during her child-bearing years.
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Triple Shift
The burden of paid employment, domestic labour and emotional labour.
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The poorest and most under-privelleged section of society.
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Unit of Production
A group of people involved in the production of goods and services.
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Unit of Consumption
A group of people who consume goods and services as a unit.
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The concentration of an increasing proportion of the population in urban areas - towns and cities.
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Beliefs about what is important, what is worth having, what is right and wrong.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The number of live births per thousand of the population per year.


Birth Rate

Card 3


A marxist term for the capitalist (ruling) class, the owner of the means of production.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A system of production in which the economic institutions, e.g. Banks and factories, are privately owned.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Stereotypical view of the family as shown in advertising. The family is present nuclear, with a traditional division of labour.


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Monogamy is wrong, it's only having 1 partner

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