fall of rome

  • Created by: liv
  • Created on: 30-05-13 16:31
W. Pohl
the romans were just as violent as the barbarians - suggests that the romans would have been able to cope with a barbarian invasion - so the barbs didnt cause the fall of the empire
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N. Lenski
romans took barbarian captives to feed their slave trade - so the romans depended on the barbarians for their economoy and society to continue in the way it was going. the barbarians also look roman captives - so their was a mutual need
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N. Lenksi
the fact that the barbs and romans held each other as captives suggests that there was a cultural encounter - they would have experienced different things from the cultures- so they would have been familiar with each other (less of a threat)
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P. Heather
the huns caused the fall of the empire (domino theory) = the huns caused panic and chaos which pushed the goths across the frontiers of the empire which put pressure on the empire and caused its fall
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Peter Heather
the empire fell because of external problems - there was no sign of the empire falling before the huns pushed the goths into the empire - so the empire wouldnt have fallen on its own
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Peter Heather
the barbarians were in large numbers, had collective mentalities, were predatory and had similar goals - were a massive threat to the romans
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the barbarians were a consequence of the fall of the empire - they did not cause the fall, they were just sucked into an already falling empire
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the empire imploded from within = internal problems
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the empire fell because of economic and politcal problems - the economy was already fragmented from the third century - so it would have crumbled anyway without the barbarians
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the empire fell because of internal problems - corruption, usurpers and civil wars between the east and the west
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the barbarians were in small groups, they did not have collective mentalities and they were not a threat- the emperors had more tihngs to worry about than the barbarians
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the barbarians were the emperor's natural allies- the barbs were more of a military help rather than a military threat - (eg, aetius used the huns to help control the barbarians causing trouble in the gaul)
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Mathsien & R. C. Blockely
romans and barbarians married each other frequently which showed a good relationship between bs and rs - unity of the two groups - suggests that the barbarians were not a threat because the romans encouraged these types of intermarriages
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Ward- Pekins
emphasised the violence of the barbarians! invasions, not migrations. the barbs settled in the empire without roman permissiion
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the barbs are largely to blame for the collapse of the economic and politcal system - externfactors! the empire would not have fallen without the barbarians
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R. MacMullen
the corruption and usurpers in the empire caused the fall oft he empire - corruption caused the economy to collapse etc
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officials started to ask what the empire could do for them, not what they could do for the empire - problem of corruption and a lack of loyalty
17 of 18
there was an economic problem - people became detached from the empire and didntwant to pay taxes because they could no longer see any benefits from being involved in the empire
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Card 2


romans took barbarian captives to feed their slave trade - so the romans depended on the barbarians for their economoy and society to continue in the way it was going. the barbarians also look roman captives - so their was a mutual need


N. Lenski

Card 3


the fact that the barbs and romans held each other as captives suggests that there was a cultural encounter - they would have experienced different things from the cultures- so they would have been familiar with each other (less of a threat)


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Card 4


the huns caused the fall of the empire (domino theory) = the huns caused panic and chaos which pushed the goths across the frontiers of the empire which put pressure on the empire and caused its fall


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Card 5


the empire fell because of external problems - there was no sign of the empire falling before the huns pushed the goths into the empire - so the empire wouldnt have fallen on its own


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