Eyewitness testimony - misleading information

What is an eyewitness testimony
- Is the evidence provided by those recalling an event who were present at the time of the event.
75% of those convicted with DNA falsely accused.
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What did BARLETT establish in relation to schemas
memories snapshots influenced by active schemas
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What are Schemas
- Schemas are a readiness to interpret sensory info in a pre-set manner.
They fill in the gaps based on our previous experiences, knowledge and moods and simplifies the processing of info.
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How do schemas effect EWT
- This effects the EWT as they are not recalling memories but reconstructions that are biased by schemas active at the time of recall = can lead to false memories.
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What did BARLETT find in relation to cultural differences in Schemas
War of ghosts story didn’t make sense from a cultural perspective memory can be effected by cultural schema’s and viewpoints.
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What are factors that affect the accuracy of the eyewitness testimony
1) misleading info
2) Anxiety
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What is misleading information
- Is information that suggests a desired response and can be in the form of leading questions and post event discussions which can create false memories.
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What do leading questions increase
the likelihood an individual’s schema will influence them to give desired answer.
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How may post event discussions prove misleading
misleading info being added to a memory after the incident occurs.
False memories are stimulated by misleading post event experiences.
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What did LOFTUS find in relation to Misleading info
car ride video supports post event info added to the memory after the events occurred can affect recall.
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What did BEKERIAN and BOWERS find in relation to misleading info
post event info affects the retrieval of memories rather than storage
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What did LOFTUS AND PICKRELL find in relation to misleading info
false memories can be created from suggestion
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What did TOMES AND KATZ find in relation to Misleading Info
personality factors influence EWT
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How can anxiety influence ETW
- EWT are artificial setting and events may have high anxiety causing issues with recall.
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What did LOFTUS find in relation to Anxiety and EWT
the victim will focus on weapon being used not the cultrate.
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What did YERKES-DODSON establish
Inverted U Hypothesis
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what is the Inverted U Hypothesis
- Aka low anxiety level =poor results high anxiety level = low results and moderate anxiety levels = best results
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What did FREUD find in relation to anxiety
Repression also a way anxiety can effect recall.
FREUD = anxiety hinders recall of events as forgetting is motivated by trauma to protect from emotional distress.
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What did DEFFENBACHER find in relation to anxiety
meta analysis of 21 studies – suggests anxiety diverts attention from from important features
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What did CHRISTIANSON AND HUBINETTE find in relation to anxiety
recall of bank robbery witnesses – anxiety situations don’t always impair important info
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What did GENET AND VERKAMPT find in relation to anxiety
made clients anxious using fake electrodes asked to recall traffic accident. Found moderate anxiety does increase EWT in line with IUH
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What did OUE ET AL find in relation to anxiety
anxiety witnesses victims field of view
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What did KOEHLER ET AL find in relation to anxiety
less able to recall stressful words
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who found the opposite to KOEHLER ET AL
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


memories snapshots influenced by active schemas


What did BARLETT establish in relation to schemas

Card 3


- Schemas are a readiness to interpret sensory info in a pre-set manner.
They fill in the gaps based on our previous experiences, knowledge and moods and simplifies the processing of info.


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Card 4


- This effects the EWT as they are not recalling memories but reconstructions that are biased by schemas active at the time of recall = can lead to false memories.


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Card 5


War of ghosts story didn’t make sense from a cultural perspective memory can be effected by cultural schema’s and viewpoints.


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