~Extraction of metals

A reducing agent for iron?
Carbon monoxide
1 of 8
Reaction for iron in blast furnace?
Fe2O3 +3CO ---> 2Fe + 3CO2
2 of 8
Reducing agents for TiCl4?
Magnesium and Sodium
3 of 8
Conditions needed for this reaction of TiCl4?
High temp and inert argon atmosphere
4 of 8
Benefits of using scrap iron?
No CO2 produced and easily separated
5 of 8
Essential conditions for electrolysis
Molten cryolite catalyst and lots of current.
6 of 8
Equation for tungsten
WO3 + 3H2 --> W + 3H2O
7 of 8
Things for TiO2 extraction?
Carbon and chlorine bubbled through and CO as a product.
8 of 8

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Card 2


Reaction for iron in blast furnace?


Fe2O3 +3CO ---> 2Fe + 3CO2

Card 3


Reducing agents for TiCl4?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Conditions needed for this reaction of TiCl4?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Benefits of using scrap iron?


Preview of the front of card 5
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