External Factors of Education

  • Created by: Emera
  • Created on: 03-05-24 14:49
Material deprivation
A concept that is strongly correlates with low income households. Material Deprivation negatively impacts the child cause of:
- Living in damp conditions
- Worse diets
- Unable to afford hidden costs of education
- Harder to pay tuition fees
- Restricted
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Cultural deprivation
A concept that lower social classes have different skills, norms, and knowledge. Preventing them to achieve in education. Cultural deprivation disadvantages the child in these ways:
- Parents may show a lack of interest in education
- Parents less able to
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Impact of feminism
An increase of working women has influenced young women to strive in education. Liberal feminists have advocated to encourage girls to go into further educational institutes.
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Card 2


A concept that lower social classes have different skills, norms, and knowledge. Preventing them to achieve in education. Cultural deprivation disadvantages the child in these ways:
- Parents may show a lack of interest in education
- Parents less able to


Cultural deprivation

Card 3


An increase of working women has influenced young women to strive in education. Liberal feminists have advocated to encourage girls to go into further educational institutes.


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