External factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis

What are the 3 limiting factors in photosynthesis?
-Light intensity
-Carbon dioxide concentration
1 of 16
What is the actual photosynthetic rate at any one time determined by?
Whichever of the factors is least favourable
(limiting factor)
2 of 16
What are two key features of limiting factors?
-Increasing that factors amount will increase the rate of reaction

-Increasing other non-limiting factors will not increase rate of reaction
3 of 16
When does light become limiting?
Approaching dusk(nightfall)-photosynthesis can't occur
4 of 16
If light intensity is limiting ,what is affected?
The amount of ATP and NADPH produced in the light dependent stage of photosynthesis
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What is the atmospheric levels of CO2?
Approx. 0.04%
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What does increased levels of CO2 lead to?
Higher rates of photosynthesis
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When is CO2 the limiting factor?
On a bright summer day, when light intensity and temperature levels are not limiting
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How do people increase their levels of CO2?
Burn fossil fuels
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What happens if CO2 levels are increased?
More available CO2 for the carboxylation of RuBP in the light-independent stage, allowing more GP to be formed
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What limits growth in plants in UK?
11 of 16
What happens if temperature is increased to an optimum?
The enzyme-catalysed (rubisco)reactions in light-independent reaction stage of photosynthesis occur at faster rate
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What is the optimum temperature for plants?
25 degrees
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What would reduce photosynthesis regarding temperature?
If its above the optimum; enzyme active site altered and enzyme denatured
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What will happen if water is in short supply?
(e.g desert)
Stomata will close as part of the plant's response in reducing water loss
15 of 16
What will happen to the plant if short of water?
The plant will wilt and the orientation of the leaves will change; reducing incident solar radiation and many reactions will slow down
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the actual photosynthetic rate at any one time determined by?


Whichever of the factors is least favourable
(limiting factor)

Card 3


What are two key features of limiting factors?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When does light become limiting?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


If light intensity is limiting ,what is affected?


Preview of the front of card 5
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