Explanations of attachment

who was john bowlby?
Psychiatrist in London, he worked with treating emotionally disturbed children. He proposed his first theory of material deprivation, because he studied children who had experienced early separations from family.
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What did the theory of material deprivation propose?
That children deprived of an early strong attachment with someone i.e. the mother, will suffer permeant long term emotional maladjustment.
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What is a continuity hypothesis?
Idea that emotionally secure infants go on to become emotionally secure trusting and socially confident adults. People who had weak bonds struggle with emotional difficulties in adulthood.
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What is the critical period?
Biologically determined period of time during which certain characteristics can develop, Bowlby proposed that outside of this time window such development wont be possible. Some say it should be a sensitive period not critical period, as its not impossibe
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When is the critical period?
three to sixth months. If infants don't form attachments in this time they find it difficult to form attachments later on.
Babies have innate drive to become attached during critical period, this is how attachments form
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What is the internal working model?
Mental model of the world which we form, enables us to predict and control environments . The model relates to a persons expectations of relationships in the long term and gives insigjt into carefivers behaviour in short term
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What is a social releaser?
Social behaviour or characteristic that elicits caregiving, in babies this is typical cuteness etc same w animals, allows attahments to develop between parent and infant.
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Explain how attachments form?
From imprinting, Lorenz's research led to Bowlby assuming the same process takes place in animals. Form during crituical period when infants have innate drive to become attached, social releasers play another role and elicit cargeiving allowing for attach
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Why do attachments form.
It serves such an important survival function, infant who is not attached is less well protected.
Parents must also be attached to infants to ensure they are cared for and survive, however this is critised.
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Why are social releases important ?
Ensure that attachments develop between parents to infants.
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What's the special emotional bond called?
Monotropy- primary attachment relationship, usually infants biological mother,
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Why are secondary attachments important
Provide important emotional safety net and are healthy and of significant importance for social development. i.e grandad
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What is attachment determined by?
Sensitivity. Infants who were most strongly attached were those with mothers who were highly cooperative and responsive. Mary ainsworth,
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What are the consequences of attachment
Infant forms mental representation of monotrophy, called an internal working model. This has several consequences: In short term it gives the child insight into the caregivers behaviour so that true partnership can be formed.
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What is a long term consequence of the internal working model.
Acts as a template for all future relationships because it generates expectations of what intimate, loving relationships are like
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What is continuity according to Bowlby
Contiunity between early attachments in infants and adulthood(social competence and emotional competence).
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Outline a strength of Bowlbys monotropic theory
A sensitive period rather than critical, Rutter claims bowlbys claim is true to an extent, but its not impossble just more challenging and less likely to form attachments outside this period. Claimed the critical period is where infants are maximally rece
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Outline another strength of Bowlby's monotropic theory
Research support for the continuity hypothesis from the Minnesota parent to infant study in 2005, explain what continuity hypothesis proposes as this is what the study demonstrated- social competence and continuity was found
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Whats a weakness of bowlbys monotropic theory
Attachment isnt a essentual survival function for humans, as the critucal period is said to be between 3-6 months. however our distant ancestors it would have been vital for attachments to be formed just after birth. However humans start attaching when ba
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did the theory of material deprivation propose?


That children deprived of an early strong attachment with someone i.e. the mother, will suffer permeant long term emotional maladjustment.

Card 3


What is a continuity hypothesis?


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Card 4


What is the critical period?


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Card 5


When is the critical period?


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