Experimental Method

A general statement of what the researcher intends to investigate, the purpose of the study.
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A testable statement that states the relationship between the variables to be investigated. Stated at the outset of the study.
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Directional hypothesis
States the direction of the difference or relationship
3 of 8
Non-directional hypothesis
Does not state the direction
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Any 'thing' that can vary or change within an investigation. Variables are generally used in experiments to determine if changes in one thing results in changes to another.
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Independent variable (IV)
The variable that is manipulated so the effect on the DV can be measured.
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Dependent variable (DV)
The variable that is measured by the researcher. Any effect on the DV should be caused by the change in the IV.
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Clearly defining variables in terms on how they can be measured.
8 of 8

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Card 2


A testable statement that states the relationship between the variables to be investigated. Stated at the outset of the study.



Card 3


States the direction of the difference or relationship


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Card 4


Does not state the direction


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Card 5


Any 'thing' that can vary or change within an investigation. Variables are generally used in experiments to determine if changes in one thing results in changes to another.


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