Exercise and the body's response

what is oxygen debt?
the amount of extra oxygen the body needs after exercising to deal with accumulated lactic acid
1 of 6
how does the body respond when exercising?
-breathing rate increases (more frequent)
-breathing volume increases (deeper breaths)
-heart rate increases to pump this oxygenated blood around the body to where its needed
2 of 6
why does the body react like this?
-more energy is required when exercising
-so aerobic respiration increases
-so more oxygen is needed
3 of 6
what happens when you respire anaerobically during exercise?
-oxidation of glucose is incomplete
-leads to a build up of lactic acid
4 of 6
how does lactic acid affect the body?
causes muscles to fatigue so they stop contracting efficiently (its toxic)
5 of 6
how does the body get rid of lactic acid after exercise?
-it is transported out of the muscles by the blood to the liver
-here it is converted back into glucose in a series of chemical reactions
6 of 6

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Card 2


how does the body respond when exercising?


-breathing rate increases (more frequent)
-breathing volume increases (deeper breaths)
-heart rate increases to pump this oxygenated blood around the body to where its needed

Card 3


why does the body react like this?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what happens when you respire anaerobically during exercise?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how does lactic acid affect the body?


Preview of the front of card 5
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