Excretion- example of homeostatic control

What is excretion?
The removal of metabolic waste (unwanted substances) from the body
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What is metabolic waste?
A substance produced in excess by metabolic process- that may become toxic
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What is secretion?
The removal of wanted substances out of cells
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What products must be excreted?
Carbon dioxide, nitrogen containing compounds (e.g. urea) + bile
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What are liver cells called?
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Why must waste products be excreted?
Because the build-up of them is toxic and can be fatal
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How can waste products interfere with metabolism?
The alter pH levels and some act as enzyme inhibitors
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What does the hepatic artery do?
Brings oxygenated blood from the (via aorta) to hepatocytes for aerobic respiration and production of ATP
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What does the hepatic portal vein do?
Brings deoxygenated blood from the digestive system containing digestive products and toxic compounds (e.g. alcohol) to the liver
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What does the hepatic vein do?
Takes deoxygenated blood away from the liver, rejoining the vena cava
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What does the bile duct do?
Carries bile produced by the liver to the gall bladder where its stored for digestion
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Why do hepatocytes need ATp?
For metabolic processes
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Card 2


What is metabolic waste?


A substance produced in excess by metabolic process- that may become toxic

Card 3


What is secretion?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What products must be excreted?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are liver cells called?


Preview of the front of card 5
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