Exam 1 (ARTH 26)

  • Created by: suhween
  • Created on: 25-02-19 19:33
rebirth of ancient Greece and Rome
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Italian term meaning “smoky,” soft, and mellow; in painting, the effect of haze in an image
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a full-scale drawing of a design that will be executed in another medium, such as wall painting, tapestry, or stained glass
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support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that individuals/organizations bestow to another, typically the support of kings or popes providing to artists
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any line running back into the represented space of a picture perpendicular to the imagined picture plane
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a method of creating the illusion of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface by delineating a horizon line and multiple orthogonal lines
linear perspective
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also known as aerial perspective, a method of rendering the effect of spatial distance by subtle variations in color and clarity of representation
atomospheric perspective
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a technique used with oil media in which a transparent layer of paint is laid over another, usually lighter, painted or glazed area
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two panels of equal size, usually decorated with paintings or reliefs, hinged together
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a painted or carved panel or ensemble of panels placed at the back of or behind and above an altar; contains religious imagery (often specific to the place of worship for which it was made) that viewers can look at during liturgical ceremonies
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a painting medium made by blending egg yolks with water, pigments, and occasionally other materials, such as glue
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the base of an altarpiece, often decorated with small scenes that are related in subject to that of the main panel or panels
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in painting, the process of creating the illusion of three-dimensionality on a two-dimensional surface by use of light and shade
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a primer made from glue, gypsum, and/or chalk, used as the ground of a wood panel or the priming layer of a canvas, provides a smooth surface for painting
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highly stylized, severe, and detached, often in relation to a strict religious tradition
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Italian word taken from Sinope, the ancient city in Asia Minor that was famous for its red-brick pigment; in fresco paintings, a full-sized, preliminary sketch done in this color on the first rough coat of plaster or arriccio
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adopted from the Italian term meaning “a day’s work,” a giornata is the section of a fresco plastered and painted in a single day
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an altarpiece constructed from multiple panels, sometimes with hinges to allow for movable wings
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an artwork made up of three panels; the panels may be hinged together in such a way that the side segments (wings) fold over the central area
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a painting technique in which water-based pigments are applied to a plaster surface; if the plaster is painted when wet, the color is absorbed by the plaster, becoming a permanent part of the wall
buon fresco
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created by painting on dried plaster, and the color may eventually flake off
fresco secco
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Card 2


Italian term meaning “smoky,” soft, and mellow; in painting, the effect of haze in an image



Card 3


a full-scale drawing of a design that will be executed in another medium, such as wall painting, tapestry, or stained glass


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Card 4


support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that individuals/organizations bestow to another, typically the support of kings or popes providing to artists


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Card 5


any line running back into the represented space of a picture perpendicular to the imagined picture plane


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